a few words about

My Word of the Year

Looking back on this past year, the world was swept into a pandemic, fear was rampant, and everyone’s lives were forever changed. The world we once knew was nothing but “sinking sand.” It was in these moments of uncertainty though that I was reminded of what IS certain.

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus Christ, my righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.

My Hope is Built on Nothing Less |
Edward Mote

I had chosen the word “cultivate” for 2020, and little did I expect the “sinking sands” of our world to be the perfect soil for cultivating what was important. In all of the shut-downs and stay-at-home orders, I was able to spend more quality time with my family and learn that we didn’t need to go somewhere to make lasting memories.

We lived slowly. I started making sourdough bread. I read a lot of really great books. I played with my children. I grew a baby! I cultivated a life focused on the “little” things, which were really the big things all along.

We cultivated our relationships with each other and with God. I was able to read my Bible through in a year and seek God’s face without all the distractions that “being busy” brings. We had to get creative with family time, which meant that we created memories we wouldn’t have otherwise made.

Yes, I believe 2020 gave us the perfect environment to learn, grow and by God’s grace… thrive.

Now, here I am on the other side of 2020. After spending the past year cultivating the soil of our lives, I now find it’s time to grow our roots deeper and stronger. It’s time press on. Cling to that which is good. Strive for what is important. Put aside those “little foxes” that spoil the vine and live devoted to those things that bring us closer to God, to each other and to the family of God.


That is my word for this upcoming year. I want to live Daringly Devoted in an ever-changing world. I want to live in such a way that my actions show what I am devoted to: to God, to family, to the fellowship of believers.

I want to my children to know that I am a devoted mama, one they can count on to point them towards Christ, listen to them and meet their physical needs.

I want to be a devoted wife that supports her husband as he leads our home.

I want to be a devoted daughter, a daughter of the King, one that brings honor to his Holy name.

I want to be devoted to YOU, to uplift you, to encourage you as my sisters-in-the-faith. We all have a different journey, but we can all live devotedly to whatever path God has called us to walk! We all have the same destination. We will just get there differently.

I pray that at the end of 2021, my devotion will be deeper and my faith will be stronger. My Christ is a solid rock on which I can stand. I don’t have to worry about my devotion changing when I’m firmly sanding on The Rock of Ages.

So here’s to a new year! May we press forward and find ourselves living a life devoted to what really matters.

My Work of the Year 2020
My Word of the Year 2019
My Word of the Year 2018
My Word of the Year 2017

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