My Word of the Year 2020

The past few days I’ve been trying on words like I would a new shirt in the fitting room. Each word fit right in certain places, accentuating certain aspects of my life, but none of the words I ‘tried on’ seemed to embody all the right areas. Like a shirt that has a great color but fits way too tightly in the hips, each word wasn’t what I wanted to bring home with me.

Then this morning as I read through my devotions, I picked up Mom Heart Moments by Sally Clarkson, and a word jumped off of the page and settled into the soft soil of my mother-heart. As I let it settle there, I felt it begin to take root and grow.


Every goal that I have planned for this year has a purpose. I don’t want to read through my Bible this year for the purpose of saying that I did it, but rather to cultivate wisdom and a closer relationship with God. In doing so, I’m cultivating my heart and mind to be fixed on things above and to bring a true, honest, just, lovely and good report to my family.

I’m not working towards simplifying our home to be ‘trendy,’ but because I want to cultivate an environment of peace and joy. I don’t want things and schedules to take away from moments of connection and to create stress and business for no purpose.

Life ebbs and flows. There will be times of business, times of routine, and times of rest, and if I am cultivating a rhythm of simplicity and intentionality, those times will be filled with peace and joy unspeakable. The ‘stuff’ will be out of the way and the people and relationships will blossom. Even the hard, messy times are cultivating the soil for growth and connection.

When we strip away the distractions, we are able to cultivate wonder. In 2020, I have a goal to get my kids outside for 1000 hours. This is a lofty goal that isn’t meant to cause stress, but rather having something to press towards. Just as we are to ‘press toward the mark’ in our Christian walk because of the joy it brings us to reach for the best God has for us, we can pursue 1000 hours outside not for recognition or a certificate of completion but because we want to cultivate wonder, curiosity, and time with the Creator.

This year I don’t just want our family to grow, I want to cultivate a place we can THRIVE.

Not just happy but joy-FULL.
Not just be but becoming.
Not just here but present.
Not just grounded but blooming.
Not just see but experience.
Not just think but wonder.
Not just hear but listen.
Not just do but do for God’s glory.

These years are precious. Will you join me in cultivating your home to bring praise and honor His Holy Name?

Have a blessed 2020!

My Word of the Year 2019
My Word of the Year 2018
My Word of the Year 2017