Preschool – Letter D

We probably spent far too much time talking about (and eating!) donuts this week, but we had a lot of fun and learned some valuable lessons along the way!

This week with The Peaceful Preschool, we focused on two books: If You Give a Dog a Donut and Make Way for Ducklings. My daughter’s favorite book the past couple months has been If You Give a Pig a Pancake, so she fell quickly in love with its counterpart! There is something sweet about the flow of Laura Numeroff’s writing that captivates kids. The simplicity of each sentence that leads you into the next keeps kids waiting to see what happens next.

Of course when I began to talk donuts, the first things my kids asked was, “Do we get to eat donuts for breakfast??” Pretty sure they’ve learned how this “school thing” works! haha… To their joy… and dismay… mommy DID indeed have donuts planned for breakfast! Little did they realize though, it was also a good time to learn a thing or two about patience and how much work goes into making quality food 🙂 Read all about our donut making lesson in If You Teach a Kid to “Donut.”

Teach a Kid to Donut-10

Our verse for the week could not have been more perfect. Don’t you just love it when God gives you the tools you need?! My kids may have heard me say it more times than they care to count, but by the end of last week, they understood the meaning in a very real and practical way! haha…

“Do all things without murmurings and disputings.”
Philippians 2:14

We also spent a lot of time talking about the Golden Rule. We colored pictures, illustrating what it meant to be kind. We made a list of 10 things we could do for others, and then put one of them into action. My son decided to draw a picture for his 99 year old great grandma. He said he wanted to “make her smile.” This of course made this mama smile too! Because we were sending a letter, we were able to talk about the parts of an envelope and discuss what each part meant. I THINK he now has a better understanding of how letters make it to their destinations… though this is something we’ll definitely need to discuss more in the future 🙂

Letter D-12

Letter D-2-2
Oh my stars… this child of mine!

Letter D-14

Our church has a lot of wonderful children’s programs, but Sunday evenings there is no program for older kids (4 years+) during the service. This is intentional to allow kids the opportunity to learn to sit still during a service. Of course, this also means that parents need to be creative sometimes! I’m thankful that my husband is so smart. A few weeks ago, he mentioned that we should have our son listen to pastor and count certain words that he said. So this past Sunday, when he began to wiggle (I of course forgot his coloring books), I leaned over and whispered, “If you count 20 times that pastor says the word ‘God,’ I will give you a smartie.” I was AMAZED at how well he paid attention! He even asked excellent questions about the sermon. One thing I did realize though is that he doesn’t know how to tally yet… so it transitioned into a perfect school lesson the next day! 🙂

Letter D-4

Make Way for Ducklings was a cute story that helped us transition into the next week’s lesson about “E-ggs.” We made handprint D-ucks, practiced cutting bread with a butter knife, and talked about fractions… Though my toddler just enjoyed eating the bread mostly.

Letter D-10

Letter D-7

Letter D-6

We continued to work our way through Handwriting Without Tears, had fun painting pictures and creating our own “bobsled” hill. We’ve been watching so much of the Winter Olympics, we decided to make our own!

Letter D

Letter D-4-2

Letter D-13

Letter D
